What's your elephant?

Maybe you have a monkey on your back, are hoping pigs fly, or need to eat an elephant. Whatever burdens weigh you down, you are certainly not alone. Join me as I jump right in to eating my zoo of elephants, one bite at a time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Give me a Giggle

Give me a giggle.

A chuckle is old
it's fleeting and quick
Not always remembered
Rarely poured on thick

It comes from grayed heads
or long-nosed professors
A humph or a heh
Often ahemed to a lesser

A laugh, as you've heard
is lengthy, at best
It's hearty, contagious
A gift to the blessed

It comes from a gaggle
of manicured mothers,
of water-cooler talkers
and fraternity brothers.

A whoop or a snort
A snicker or roar
Will get a few smiles
and sounds hard to ignore

Ha! or Bah-hoo!
An exclaimed Whoa-ho!
An exuberant medicine
For an ail or a woe.

But give me a giggle
and I'll tell you why
The giggle is sweet
somewhat sassy and shy

A giggle is hidden
'neath sleep-over covers
From school girls in pigtails
and innocent lovers

A giggle is pure
A heart-skipping sigh
It can't be held in
But why would you try?

A quickly caught breath
Of excitement and wonder
no longer asunder

Love and the promise
of tomorrows-to-be
A secret, a shhhh
Do you see what I see?

Yes, give me a giggle
Not a laugh, nor tee-hee
Keep me young and vivacious
Loving life, loving me.

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