What's your elephant?

Maybe you have a monkey on your back, are hoping pigs fly, or need to eat an elephant. Whatever burdens weigh you down, you are certainly not alone. Join me as I jump right in to eating my zoo of elephants, one bite at a time.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Cup of Ocean

When I was 13ish, we went for a family vacation to Galveston. It was my first trip to the beach and I remember getting so excited when we topped a hill and I saw the ocean on the horizon. Large and magnificent - it was more than I could comprehend. Our hotel faced the water and every morning I'd just stare outside.

Grabbing my beach bag and tanning lotion (13 year olds don't wear sunscreen - c'mon!), we'd head to the sandy beach. I'd jump right in the waves, my dad right with me, but my mom would sit under the shade of an umbrella. She wasn't scared of the water and knew how to swim, but she just was content under the umbrella. We'd offer to dip a cup into the ocean and bring it to her, just so she could say she'd been in the ocean.

That's how some Christians are. They know how to "get" God and they've been in His presence. They've seen others dive into worship and swim in His blessings. They've got this whole God in front of them with all these blessings, but they are content with their cup of Sunday service.

James 4:8 says "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

I like to think of that verse like this:
~Give God a cup, and He'll pour a cup of Himself into it.

God is a massive Ocean of salvation, blessings, promises, healings, gifts, and too many et ceteras to add on. Why just give Him a cup? Dive in!

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